
Görli 24/7: Our Görli remains open!

The Berlin CDU-SPD Senate is determined to close Görlitzer Park after dark in future. New fences are to be erected and lockable gates and turnstiles built at a cost of millions of euros. Even the Lohmühlen Bridge over the canal is to be closed in future.
At the same time, the Senate is making massive cuts to social projects with the argument that there is no money – including here in the neighborhood.

The logic behind the planned closure of Görli is the same as that behind the sealing off of Fortress Europe. High profits of private corporations are to be protected and enforced at all costs. The fight is not against homelessness and high rents, but against homeless people. The fight is not against poverty and lack, but against the poor. The fight is not against racist exclusion and violence, but against those affected by racism. We are not fighting the causes of flight, but refugees.

The planned closure of the Görli does not solve any problems:

  • We need more and better services for people who use drugs, places for safe drug use and a good healthcare system to which everyone has access.
  • We need affordable rents, good housing for everyone and a stop to all forced evictions. No more people should be made homeless. Expropriate real estate companies now!-
  • We need to raise awareness of and fight against patriarchal violence, sexism and oppression. Services for FLINTA* and shelters such as women’s refuges urgently need to be expanded.
  • We need an end to racist exclusions: An end to work bans, residency requirements, illegalization and deportations! All people who live here or come here have a right to a good life.
  • We need massive investment in the social sector. We need good daycare centers, good schools, good and free sports and leisure facilities for everyone and especially for people with little money.

We will not allow our Görli to be taken away from us so that a racist, populist symbolic policy can be pushed through. Let’s work together to prevent the planned closure of Görli!

We now need a diverse, creative, colorful, angry resistance against the Senate’s plans. You can find various information, print templates and sharepics on our homepage and on Insta. If you are doing something, planning something or notice something, please send us information!

For more information in english we can strongly recommend this article in „The Berliner“:

“The divisive ‘Görlitzer Park Fence’ and why it’s destined to fail”